CRank: 5Score: 2870

"Of course, Sony’s Blu-ray technology would be the perfect accomplice in facilitating such an epic, a feat that would be considerably more difficult on the Wii, or even Xbox 360. This combined with the sheer raw processing power of PS3 would allow for a far more expansive gaming environment, more locations, heightened interactivity and, of course, an improved combat system"


...of course, you stupid closet fanboy !!!

6034d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree 100% (I own the game for the Xbox 360).

Everyone who actually PLAY/ED the game must have the same point of view.

Doing the same over and over again pretty much annoys the hell out of you. You do EXACTLY the same for every Assassination. Don't get me wrong, it is fun, but with so much potential, Ubisoft could have made a far greater game, some kinda "achiever".

6035d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stop feeding us with the same "GTA 4 will come with a blast, be vastly better, blahblahblah" bs every singke week, Zelnick. Name a f*cking street date, goddamnit Bring it on !

6035d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Shut up, brainless fanboy !

Awful try.
Get some humor and try to bash again.

6036d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

1. Why is this a news article ?

2. What a no life is the writer of the original article ?

Quote: "Honestly, I can’t play another God of War game anymore!"

Yeah....i don't buy it. You are an uber nerd. Ranting about some cosplay. Get a life !

6036d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well the graphics does look good !

But the loadings and cutscene breaks (which are dazzlers, cause they distract you from the actual loading sequence going on in the background)
don't look like much fun to me. Nearly every 30 seconds --> break --> 30 seconds actual gameplay --> break --> and so on...

I don't have an opinion on the enemie's AI, cause we all know, they are dumbed down for demonstration purposes.

I'll have to wait f...

6036d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You are much more of a fanboy than TheMart will ever be !

No arguments, just plain bashing.


6037d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Every second (supposed to be) "news" on N4G is sale charts or sale predictions/estimations.

Reasons why:

1. There's not enough other stuff going on to be worth a post (<--- don't think so)

2. N4G visitors scream for more and really wanna have this sh*t posted (<-- hmm, we are getting closer with this one here)

3. News posters here are little fanboys who love to start a flame war /bash-fest (can we say: BINGO ?!?!) <...

6037d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"You'll never be this good"

Yeah, but on the other side. Who gives a flying rat sh*t ?

Some losers are good in videogames. AWESOME DUDE !
In case you are an vg addict (obviously like those in the videos), you could only make some money in Korea where hardcore videogamers are real role models and pop stars.
In the rest of the world: NOT !

Those vids were entertaining, but not impressive...

6039d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...Super Mario 64 > Super Mario Galaxy > Super Mario Sunshine

6039d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

WTF ?!?!

6039d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"The industry is crying out for new and compelling content and we’re delighted that AC has lived up to its expectations.”

Please, Mr Cooper, read some of the reviews and fix the bugs and all the problems ! Then we can say you will develop a great game !

Sale numbers mean nothing. Yeah, it was all hype and you are overwhelmed the first 2 hours, but then you realize how repetitive the game is (no one could ever deny THIS fact !).
I got AC too and it is fu...

6039d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


"Have you even seen Uncharted???
So many reviewers are questioning if it would even be possible on the 360.... And it's only using 30% of the CELL!!!

Seriously, were you dropped on your head at birth??"


Seriously, why only 30 % ?
Why didn't Naughty Dog just programmed the sh*t ouf the Cell and make it 100 % ?
So they could have created THE BEST GAME EVER with a blast !!!

6041d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

...GOTY for the PS3 so far ?

Just kidding Sonyboys, relax. ;)

6042d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How long will Rockstar feed us with the same old a** information ???

Dear Rockstar,

1. Show gameplay or a ingame demo

2. Name a street date

3. Unless it isn't point 1. or 2., we don't wanna hear/read/see it !


6043d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That only shows how biased Gametrailers is. 360 Fanboys !
They gave Uncharted a 8.9 to prevent it from being AAA !
To me (i only own a 360) this game looks really fun and considering the review and the points it got in every category, the game deserved at least a 9.0 or higher !

Shame on you Gametrailers...

6043d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla

Let the bash-war begin...NOW !

6043d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

*sniff* *sniff*

I'm smelling a looser !

So, Ubisoft is such a fraudulent company and takes away everything from them, cause this specific site was honest (in their review) and disappointed after all the hype they have done ?

WOW, Ubisoft, just....WOW !

6046d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

WTF are you talking about ?

Sony never bought Rockstar. Get your sh*t right, buddy !



6047d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh, i forgot to say that about the "experience points system" as well !

Great and addictive, you are really wanna accomplish all the challenges listed in the mulitplayer part ! This is a new, great and innovative idea and greatly implemented in the game ! How the heck could you diss something this good ?

Bubbles for you, my friend !

6047d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment